Color Blocking
Color Blocking is the use of contrasting blocks or panels of solid, typically bright colors. So, with that in mind let's have some fun with color! This is a fun way to bring out your personality or the personality of the style you're wearing. Experimenting with various color harmonies will create new opportunity for creativity and working with designers
1) The main objective is to find a color and emphasize it in fun, bold ways.
2) We will experiment with various combinations with the various colors and layers you bring.
3) Create an impactful fashion editorial image that pops.
Your Steps
1) Create a Color Palette and find clothes to match!
2) Choose a couple looks that have potential to mix and match to achieve various color harmonies
3) Check my current list of backdrops or book a studio rental with Brush Co. Studio
4) If the project interests you, fill out the form as best you can and get excited to create!
Analogous color harmonies tend to be eye-soothing and have a sense of visual cohesion without being too flat, overwhelming, or monochromatic.
Still, make sure you have enough contrast when choosing your analogous color scheme.
Complementary harmonious color combinations create vibrant color palettes with high contrast. While that’s desirable in a number of designs, it can be jarring if not appropriately managed.
Traidic Harmonies tend to be easier on the eye than a simple complementary pair, making them a pretty safe bet if you want more than one hue to play with, but don’t want to make quite as much of a splash as a complementary pair would.
When choosing your colors in harmony, let one hue dominate and use the others for accents only.
Square color schemes are less common than some of the other color combination options, which can provide an opportunity to utilize one and set your design, product, website, or piece of artwork apart from the pack.
Because there’s a lot of contrast built into the hue choices, even a desaturated or pastel palette gives a lively, eye-catching result. This can be great to evoke a sense of fun, playfulness, and vibrancy.
Adobe Color
Create your color palette using Adobe Color!
1) Simply select the color harmony rule you desire
2 Find the node that represents the central hex (should be the node on the outmost set of the color wheel) This will be your Main or Key color
3) Click and drag around until you find the color you need
4) Drag the other nodes up and down to find the range you want the colors to fall in/work around.
5) Once you've found a palette you're happy with, either save the palette or take a screen capture of the palette with Hex codes included!
6) If you have the app, you can use Adobe Capture to identify the current colors of your outfit as well! I personally use this tool all the time when looking for inspiration.

Interested in Modeling?
Thank you for considering my project! Your interest alone means so much. I am so excited to create with you!
I hope that my photography can provide you with images you need to take your modeling career further.
To help keep me organized, I have put together this form below that will help me not only keep us on track for this project, but also keep you updated for future projects that are similar to this.