What's included in Phase 1 :

  • MPC Homepage
  • MPC Model Homepage (Public and Private)
  • MPC Photographer Homepage (Public and Private)
  • Business to Business Brief
  • Projects for Fundamental Project List and all projects within it

What is the Model Project Center?

Over the past year, I have worked with varying degrees of talent both in front of and behind the camera within the industry. I've traveled and spoken with several professionals in a handful of cities around the US and have gained a new perspective on what a creative scene should/could look and feel like so that all may benefit.

This new version of the Model Project Center is my way of introducing what I feel is a quality of life advancement for both photographers and models, more directly here in KCMO, but also for any creative who shares the same sentiments that I do.

I am by no means a creative authority, nor a name that has the power to change the financial equality here in KC, but if I can offer something that is helpful for growth, I want to try.

Click on your creative role to learn more!

Interested in how your business can get involved?

In hopes to create more opportunity for models and creatives alike here in KC, I will be continuously looking for clients and sponsors to support The Model Project Center. If you would like to look at how your business might be able to utilize or support The Model Project Center, read through the link below and I'll be looking forward to chatting with you!

Get Involved